Boss G. Mustapha, Chairman, Presidential Taskforce Nominated for Beating Covid-19 Awards 2020 by ABE Group

Mr Boss G Mustapha who doubles as the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) and Chairman of Presidential Taskforce (PTF) on the fight against Corona virus popularly known as COVID-19 led the professional and proactive team of government officials at the frontline in securing Nigerians from the global devastation which the pandemic brought. Saddled with the responsibility of coordinating the day to day operations of the MDAs which play the key role in national stability, Mr Boss also was in the face of ensuring the safety of the nation against such historic health challenge.
The Presidential Taskforce (PTF) inaugurated by President Muhammadu Buhari achieved outstanding results that dispelled and undermined the forecasted doom that many thought would befall our great nation as a result of poor health infrastructure and human resources to combat the pandemic. It championed the increased establishment of laboratories, masses testing at 154 persons per million in a short time, employment of over 11,000 health workers, wide spread presence of isolation facilities that has led to numerous recoveries and lives saved.
His nomination for this award is also attributed to the fact that he has maintained strong leadership qualities of focus, determination and perseverance even in the midst of false narratives, criticisms and bad sentiments that could have deterred many people. The man Boss exemplifies the spirit of patriotism and selfless service in the most trying time in our nation’s history and well deserving of recognition and celebration for both young and older generation could emulate when saddled with responsibility. Hard work truly does pay as exemplified by Mr Boss whom the president found most competent to coordinate such humungous duty.
It is based on the above qualities that Abuja Business and Excellence Group with its partners wish to present the Award for Uncommon Courage and Leadership in the Presidential Taskforce (PTF) 2020.
