Dr Rammatu Tijani Aliyu, FCT Minister of State Up for Award for Outstanding Care for Less Privileged in FCT by ABE Group

Dr (Hajia) Rammatu Tijani Aliyu is the supportive and reliable Honorable Minister for State, FCT who has not only provided undoubting assistance to the Honorable Minister of FCT, but served as women advocate, care giver to the less privileged and community development in the FCT. Her office which is saddled with administrating the sub-urban areas outside the municipal championed infrastructural turn around in road construction, primary health care centers rehabilitation, poverty alleviation and women empowerment.
The sub-urban areas in the FCT saw timely intervention in the provision of relief via palliatives during the pandemic that Dr Rammatu would often personally engage in distribution of these materials to the less privileged without any discrimination.
Her passion for gender advocacy could not be overshadowed by the weight of responsibility bestowed on office as she continued to promote the fight against gender violence, sexual abuse and oppression of the less privileged. The stellar feat displayed by her at the heat of the pandemic by relinquishing her salary to inmates in correctional facility in the FCT amplifies the increasing need for more women to be given an opportunity to serve in public service.
Popularly called Mama FCT by many she has impacted positively, Abuja Business and Excellence Group wishes to celebrate her with the “Award for Outstanding Care for the Less Privileged FCT 2020”.  
