One of the greatest minds that ever lived R. Buckminster Fuller said; “we are called to be architects of the future not its victims”
Mr. Fuller is one of the greatest architects that ever lived, also a system theorist, inventor, futurist and genius who walked the earth centuries ago.
He published more than 30 literary works that changed not only architecture but the dynamics of structural designs. This man is considered by many analysts to have lived generations ahead of his time making his works indispensable centuries after he lived.
His ideology that we are architects of our own futures is driven by a deep understanding of our predestination by God.
God did not create you to fail or be an experiment of thought but rather a replicate of Himself.
Let me ask you a question, what would the world be if it depended on you?
How would humanity be if all human existence depended on your idea, ability and resolve?
You must understand that you are not a mistake no matter how many attempts it took to actualize your conception or flick of negligence that occurred for you to be born.
If you are alive right now it means whatever mistake was undone and the rest is now up to you.
Will you maximize your potentials, stretch your mind, plough your hands, saddle your back and reach for the stars
The world awaits you, it may not know it yet but 5 years from today you will become richer, wealthier and successful because you took the chance on your odds.
God Himself made you, if you doubt it look at the grass. The world never lacks grass no matter how frail or minuscule it seems. It is found on rooftops, The Pentagon, World’s biggest stadium in North Korea, deepest ocean bed in the Philippines.
You know why you cannot ignore the grass, it is because the grass is the architect of its own future.
And Jesus emphasizes that you are more important than the greatest grass that has ever grown.
So why keep giving excuses when you’ve got everything working for you already.
I do not expect too much from you, at least just be the grass that’s all
My name is Simon and God expects you to be great and nothing less
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