Mr President let
me speak for there is no better time than now
Dear compatriots let me speak for I am also a citizen of this nation
and I share with you her common goals and aspirations
Your Excellency Mr Governor let me speak for this nation is not at the brink of
extinction but at the dawn of redemption
Dear Legislator, let me speak that the dreams of our founding fathers
is not a mirage but the prophecy of our very own destiny
Yes Senator
let me speak that the hope of the next generation is not founded on corruption
but on the courage and integrity of uncommon citizens in their time
My Dear Royal fathers let me speak that the soul of this nation cannot be
destroyed by the calumny of foes who strive to sabotage our unity
Let me Speak Mr Politician that the destiny of this nation does not lie in the
hand of one man but one minded people
Oh Pastor let me speak that the rise of our youth to reign in their time
does not lie in the contentions from our pulpits but in embracing the momentum
in our differences
My Dear Imam let me speak that even if this nation is over flooded by the
Atlantic Ocean and covered beneath the dunes of the Sahara for a million years
there shall emerge a greater than ever known or imagined Nigeria
My Igbo brother let me speak that even if are challenged to flee this nation and
carry our wives and children abroad we shall not bow to the saboteurs of our
collective dreams
Let me speak to My Yoruba kin, we are great as a nation not because we are perfect
as individual units but because the sum of our individualities add up to create
a great and glorious entity
My Hausa/Fulani brother let me speak, for the enemy is not the man who dares to be
different but he who cannot accommodate another with opposing ideology
Where are my Niger Delatan, let me speak that the glory and prosperity of our
nation does not spring from the oil wells but from the wells of our collective
will and creativity
Let me speak my fellow citizens, blood and sword a cannot break this cord that binds
us together as a nation we are stronger than the fear of death
Oh Let me speak for my children and generations yet unborn because
their future is in this great land and nowhere else
Oh Let me speak, for the future I see is not one of destruction no,
death, hunger and hopelessness, no!
Our father land is green, deserts turned into
cities, airplanes flying from Makurdi to Miami, Aba building trains, Borno
Africa’s Disneyland and Bayelsa hosting the Olympics
Oh Let me speak for my family, friends, colleagues,
neighbors no time better than now shall we hold dear the dreams of our founding
fathers and heroes past
For this is our home, this is our country, this the
pride of the black race
Nigeria is unstoppable
30 March, 2017, 8:00am
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