Rabbi Daniel Lapin one of America’s most celebrated spiritual leaders says “wealth creation is very spiritual, a Chimpanzee can’t do it like every other thing that a human being does.”
In his book “Business Secrets from the Bible” he expounds on the power of investing as the differential wealth making mechanism that makes us unique to other animals.
Every other living creature understands saving as a survival instinct including the ant, birds and spider. They understand the primordial state of human thinking to be survivalist.
This is why I believe saving is just the homo sapient state of evolution in wealth creation, or to be clear I believe it is elementary for us beings whether animals or humans to save.
This is why as a 5 year old primary school child I had learned how to save 30% of my allowance. I had enough to lend to my older siblings and my mother even though they never paid back.
I have heard similar stories of this instinct in many children at this early stage of our lives.
This is why I think it is dumb to be talking to a 35 year old about saving, how foolish can he be?
It is an illusion to think your savings will make you wealthy; thinking you will save up to N1 million in the next 20 years with N10,000 monthly is same as hoping one day the whole earth will become a green planet.
This is because saving is like the kickstarter in your car, the auxiliary power unit in the airplane or propeller in the ship’s engine. It is the starting point and never the destination.
If your intention is to become wealthy by saving then investing must be your destination, I mean save to invest and not save to be rich because you never will.
We all start as savers, but very few end up wealthy and rich.
In every biblical chronicle we see how God would rather tirelessly invest than save for the rainy day; He invested in a failed Adam and Eve than save the sanctity of the garden, he invested in Abraham’s trans-generational propensity than an ancestral transcendence and investing in the redemption of a lost humanity than saving Christ’s celestial fellowship in heaven.
You should understand that saving is putting money aside for a future need or problem, but investing is putting money into something that makes it increase in value.
Would you rather have money work for you or not?
Then invest, because I can assure you that N1 million saved today may not be able to solve same problems next year, but if invested you will be happier.
I have learned to invest 80% of my income in the past 10 years.
Nothing gives me pleasure like investing, but much more is helping people become wealthy.
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