A Whole New Series:
Welcome to the first publication of my new series; A Few Dead Men. As the good book says, many are called few are chosen, giving credence to the fact that it is not everyone that will always succeed even though all given equal opportunities. It is a common principle that most often it is a proportion of a given population that excels and largely influences the crowd or majority. In Brian Tracy’s Advanced Selling Strategies he purported the 80/20 rule of success, stating that for the success achieved by a group 20% are doing 80% of the work. This is also affirmed by John Templar in his Laws of Business.
Recent report shows this also reflecting in the economic sphere globally showing a micro percentage of the world population richer and more influential than the larger population. About 360 individuals in the united States alone are considered richer than up to 60% of the entire population, in fact the net worth of the top 10 richest people in the world are richer than an entire African region (West, Central and East Africa).
This series explores some of the most celebrated individuals from across the world and discover their habits; “their deaths”.
Death here may not mean literal translation but the metaphorical depiction of death; none existence of certain habits, traits, characters and habits which distinguish them. Most of these men and women have given certain comforts, conveniences, aspirations, ambitions, relationships, luxuries and lifestyles for the sake of the common good. They died to self and now live in the world’s hall of legacy.
