One of the biggest misconceptions common these days is vision mistaken for purpose. The idea that one’s vision is the same as his purpose is far from the truth and should never be mistaken.
Greatness becomes attainable when vision is maximized, else no matter how great a potential one possesses without vision in place it will only be a Lamborghini stock in a tractor. The first Lamborghini car ever produced was a tractor, and someone told Mr Lamborghini (who the car brand is named after) that “nobody cares about a damn tractor.” Today that has become one of the most expensive car brands in the world.
What made the difference? Vision!

Vision is what your mind sees as it pertains to your purpose. It is the eyes of purpose which sees beyond the now to a time beyond.  The nature and design of man by God was to relegate purpose to vision.
“Vision is the source and hope of life. The greatest gift ever given to mankind is not the gift of sight, but the gift of vision. Sight is a function of the eyes; vision is a function of the heart. Eyes that look are common, but eyes that see are rare. Nothing noble or noteworthy on earth was ever done without vision. No invention, development, or great feat was ever accomplished without the inspiring power of this mysterious source called vision.”
                                                                                                Myles Munroe
Until vision is adopted you are not ready to pursue purpose and greatness will only be illusive. What is your vision?

The purpose of two people may the same but it is the extent to which either maximizes vision that determines the greatness that will be actualized.  They may be designed and fashioned by purpose to be medical doctors but the one who decides to have a bigger vision to become the best medical doctor in the world is more likely to turn out that way than one who has no vision except to just be on calls and wait for monthly salary. So is a lawyer whose vision is to become a Senior Advocate of Nigeria and one who just wants to be “a charge and bail” barrister.
I have seen people who could have been leaders of thousands of people but are battling with just twenty people for years, while somebody else who is doing the same thing is leading thousands of people with ease just because both have the same purpose but different scope of vision.
What is your scope of vision? If your purpose is to be an entrepreneur who would you want to be, Aliko Dangote or Papa Ejike & Sons? I know you are asking who Papa Ejike is because you definitely do not know him and his sons. But you know Aliko Dangote, and what do you think makes them different?
So whatever your purpose is can only be maximized by how you see yourself because sight maybe limited but not vision. It sees beyond walls of brick and cannot be constrained by physical limitations. You can have a great purpose but without a great vision your purpose will only be dwarfed.
Vision is not a goal, an ambition, impression or imagination but a God given hindsight which clearly shows where you will be from where you are right now. It draws out resoluteness, commitment, perseverance and determination in one who is in pursuit of purpose.
It is interesting to see people attribute and relegate so much to divine providence when same is expected from above of us. God cannot do anything about your purpose when you have no vision; if He made you to build airplanes and you have decided to settle for building tricycles then He cannot do anything about it.
As undeniably propounded by Myles Munroe nothing in the world can be commensurate to the gift of vision.
So as you go in pursuit of purpose you must see as far as your eyes can see. How far are you willing to see?

Written by Simon Tuleh (simonbigfidel@gmail.com)
10 April, 2017
