Unleashing Purpose for Greatness:
is important to unleashing the greatness that you were created for, without
purpose greatness will only be a mirage.
What is purpose?
than bore you with definitions and semantics I will paint a picture of what
purpose is as a picture speaks more than a thousand words. Purpose is what a
car is created to do, a broom is crafted for, a shirt is designed for, a tooth
brush is produced to do or even a chair is made for.
you were a car would you rather go for a swim in the Atlantic Ocean or excite
your owner by racing fast on the road?
a broom would you serve as a tree cutting tool or instead sweep dirt away like
nothing else would? How about a tooth brush would rather serve as hair combing
instrument? Do you use your shirt as a luggage carrier? And do you wear your
chair to work?
precedes the product because before there is the will or desire to become
otherwise is ‘why’ it was created. What you are created for precedes you before
your ambitions were borne.
Purpose Unleashes your Greatness:
best any of the items above can do is to be the best they were created to be;
that is greatness. The chair can only be the best chair it can be, so the tooth
brush, shirt, car and broom. No matter how much effort is exerted by any of
these items not doing what they were created to do will only be futile because
it will only result in wasted existence.
were created and fashioned for a specific purpose. Are you fulfilling your
purpose today?
is the most natural thing you can do. It is stress and pressure-free with no
cost attached.
you are in purpose it does not matter when the world stops, you are
unstoppable. What will your dreams be right now if you lost that job or the
money in your bank account? If you are thrown into the Sahara desert today will
you survive?
you start on the road of purpose you are not ready for greatness yet. Greatness
is only seen when you are at your best in your purpose. Every great person you
know was only living purpose to its best.
27 March, 2017, 8:00am
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